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Rental Income from Mortgage Property

id : 80   cat : Business Tax   
Hi. If someone has bought a house on mortgage and monthly payment to the bank is 70,000 she has a tenant, gets house rent for 45,000 only. She then is forced to top up the 25,000 to meet the bank target. This is already a loss on her part coz she's still paying to own it fully. Should she pay KRA for not filling the returns for the's s weird state let me know.. from Emma
Asked by : Emmy
 DOQ : 2016-09-19 18:31:00


Rental Income


The characteristics of a MORTGAGE is that the EARLY years of repayment have a BIGGER component of interest THAN principal. In addition average rent from a mortgage property is about 5%-8% of the buying price.


The Income Tax Act cap 470 s.6A requires that, from January 2016, if annual rental income is kshs. 10m and BELOW, a MONTHLY tax called a Residential Rental Income Tax (RRIT) of 10% of the gross rent shall be payable by the 20th of the month following that which the rent relates. In your case kshs.4500/- was due for the last 8 months.

Tax AVOIDANCE Strategy

All is NOT lost. This whole amount can be avoided as s.6A has an ESCAPE CLAUSE in which a taxpayer may WRITE a letter to KRA to request that TAX on rental income be calculated using the TRADITIONAL method from Jan 2017.

In your case this would result in losses since interest paid + other expenses would be higher than the rent received and hence no tax payable for a long long time to come.
Answered by : Admin
 DOA : 2016-09-21
Is this tax applicable to limited companies?
   Admin    Admin  2019-04-13 04:28:58
   Admin    Admin  2018-11-27 21:27:33
?????? @ John Three claps
   Floice Anyango    Floice Anyango  2016-09-21 18:39:00
Well explained cpa John
   Nganga Mwangi    Nganga Mwangi  2016-09-21 18:33:00
Yes.She will have to pay a penalty for not filing a return but this is in case she has been doing so previously.
   Muchiri Mwangi    Muchiri Mwangi  2016-09-20 12:04:00
CPA Mwangi I think the law anticipated this and thats why they gave the two alternatives. Its our job to give expert advise/tax planning on the best alternative an individual can take.
   David Ngatho    David Ngatho  2016-09-20 08:20:00
Tax is now 10% of the gross rent.if she chooses to compute the net profit and compute tax its ok.a loss will occur if the mortgage interest is higher than 45k per month. The interest plus other expenses
   Vincent Mungai    Vincent Mungai  2016-09-19 18:55:00
She will have to pay penalties for not filling returns. For income tax she's not liable as she made losses.
   Floice Anyango    Floice Anyango  2016-09-19 18:50:00

Other Answers


The rent income is more than the 12,000 minimum exemption from the monthly10%. The law had not anticipated such a business deal and hence she is supposed to pay Ksh. 4,500 monthly rental tax to KRA. Alternatively, she needs to write to KRA to be exempted
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: Nganga Mwangi  DOA   2016-09-20 05:53:00


It depends which method she adopted ie 10% or the "old" system where its 30% of income less expenditure.In the first method she will have to pay the 10% on gross .For the second method she will have to calculate.Its good to note that the 70k is principal+
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: David Ngatho  DOA   2016-09-19 19:17:00

my Suggested answer
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